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Showing posts with label DATING NEWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DATING NEWS. Show all posts

Friday, 19 August 2016

Does Healthy Feeding Boost Ones Flow of Sperm?

So many people are being faced with watery sperm count and sperm quality. Some even find it difficult to make a release of this product while being indulge in the act. Does healthy feeding habit really makes a boost to what is being considered as low sperm count or sperm quality?

This is also one common issues faced by many couples about inability to produce babies. Statistics shows that only 4% of the 10% that gets married are able to give birth to healthy new born babies.

So, the best way to ensure your sperm count are of good quality and of the Olympic type is to introduce certain nutrient - rich food to your diet. Two things are important in sperm quality!

First, is sperm mobility which is the ability of the sperm to move in the female reproductive organ to reach the egg. The second is sperm morphology: it describes what shape and size of sperm should be for proper fertilization. Research have found that most men had an increased sperm count after supplementing their diet with zinc and folic acid. Science proves that these food are likely to support fertility.

Below are some of the "food for s3x" that would naturally boost your sperm quality when taken.


Oysters are loaded with zinc component. Eight medium oysters (about 100g) usually eaten raw have more than 39mg of zinc. They'll boost the chances of having "tick-top" sperm. Oysters contain less fat and would usually be good for those looking to lose weight.


This type is known to supercharge your sperm. It benefits your body from stem to stern. A study printed in Journal of Biology of production 2012 demonstrated how researchers fed participant 75g of wallNut for 12 weeks. At the end of the experiment period, those that consumed the wallNut had significant improved sperm quality and motility, while those who didn't saw no improvement. WallNut contains high antioxidant which improves blood flow to the sexual organs. Around eight wallNut a day is enough to get sperm ready for any big event.

Black Eyed peas (beans)

When it comes to increasing your intake of nutrient, the black eyed peas would usually be the best option. It contains a high percentage of folic acid which is good to make a healthy sperm. It's  also proven weight-loss benefit. Add them to your diet several times a week.


Banana contain high percentage of potassium which is great for heart circulation. Getting enough potassium helps keep your sodium level under control, stopping your blood pressure from hitting the roof and reducing the risk of heart attack. Also, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, cherries and food high in antioxidant vitamin C are incredibly effective in preventing low sperm count and damage of sperm.


Studies has found that men that feed higher amount of fish experience a boost in their sperm quality by a massive 65%. Fish itself contains about 10% of fat that automatically will recharge the production of sperm in human.

Sunday, 3 April 2016


Following the laws of exclusivisity will help you to avoid entering into a relationship with dangerous people. You must be discriminating in your relationship.
I have identified seven kinds of people whom you should completely avoid.

1. Those that feed your Offenses

The person who feeds your offense is one of the most dangerous person you can have around you. If you follow his counsel, it would surely ruin your life. These people are not people of your future. You must endeavor to watch out for these individuals, even though they are richer than you. It is very damaging to keep a dating relationship with these individuals.

2. Those that feed your Excesses

A person who feeds your excess is an individual that is going to trivialize your accomplishments. They don’t encourage being grateful. In dating relationship, giving is a vital tool that drives two partners. You must bear in mind that your relationship cannot be stable until you make certain things non-negotiable.

3. Those that feed your Flaws

You must avoid, at any cost, anyone who fees your weaknesses. You be aware of that you have weaknesses in your life. Look out for people who will hold you up, keep you accountable, and help you overcome your flaws.

4. Those Who Refuse to Defend You in Your Absence

The most difficult thing that I’ve ever faced in my life of relationship is having people who were close to me choose not to defend me when I wasn’t there. These people saw nothing wrong with failing to defend me, in order to protect their interests in another relationship.

One of the disheartening moments anyone must endure is to be in the presence of others when someone’s character is being defamed. Remember, if I am a true friend, I must never fear others more than I love you.

Never continue in a relationship with a person who will not defend you in your absence.

5. Those who trivialize Your Life’s mission

Refuse to remain around someone who doesn’t get excited over what is important to you. It must be important to them, if for no other reason than it’s important to you. If it is not, then you are wasting your time with that person.

If someone doesn’t get excited over the fulfillment you have, you might have your plug in the wrong socket! A person who is disinterested in your dream is not interested in your future.

Many people do not know why their relationships have no meaning; it’s because they have never gotten excited over what’s important to others. The greatest way to get help in your life is to finally get excited over what another person is excited about.

6. Those Who Feed Your Restlessness

People who incite or tolerate unfaithfulness and disobedience in your life are feeding your restlessness. Never be around a person who is a willing party to your lack of commitment. When you give your word, you keep your word.
It is challenging enough to police your own thoughts of defiance and discontent; but fostering a relationship with a person who feeds and encourage your discontent is extremely dangerous, especially if you consider that person to be a partner.

7. Those who feed your Uncertainties

Stay away from those who feed your uncertainties. The action you make today will change you for the next 50 years of your life. If you have people in your life that feed your doubts, you must rid yourself of these cancerous individuals.


All relationships must be nurtured, but this is especially true of those who are yet or into a new relationship. When you decide that you want to pursue a relationship with a particular person whom you love, you must be ready to invest substantial time, thought and resources into your pursuit. Anything less than the conspicuous excellent of devoted attention will delegate you to the throngs of unnoticed people who would love to befriend such a person.

The way a new relationship must be nurtured is very similar to the care and attention that a tiny, new plant must receive, in order to survive, and then thrive. It would be ridiculous to plant a fragile seedling out in the inclement weather among other established plants, and expect it to survive. A new seedling must be brought into the greenhouse and protected, until it is firmly rooted, and strong enough to withstand the storms that it will later need to endure.

New relationship need to be handled with the same devotion and attention. The foundation you build in the earliest stage of an association will establish the very nature and future of that relationship. The care and the consideration given to an individual at the inception of the relationship will open the door to a strong deeply rooted bond that will later be able to survive the assault of the most violent storm.

The quality of any relationship will depend on the level of pursuit that you comfortably maintain. Many relationships seem to start out great in the beginning, only to fizzle out in the later. Most people put their foot forward at the beginning of a relationship but then allow familiarity to sabotage their pursuit. You must avoid this pitfall.

The passion of your pursuit must be noticeable. As you focus on adding value to this person’s life, the mindfulness and attention that you give to each act of kindness communicates the essence of exclusivity; it reveals that this person is constantly in your thoughts, and you have done your homework to make a list of ways to please him. You must be observant and vigilant to hear what he says. You have studied the unique and specific contribution that you can make in this person’s life. You have sown so much value into him that he is compelled to deepen his relationship with you. Your gift has now made room for you.

However, you must remember; though your gift will make room for you, your gift will not keep you there. You must perform once you get there, doing what is required to maintain the relationship. Entering such an intense pursuit is not easy, and maintaining it even harder. Investing your life into another, to this degree takes concentrated effort and hard work.

As you demonstrate your willingness to lay down your life to multiply greatness in the life of another, greatness will then begin to pursue you.

And remember that, the reason a person approaches you is because of your advertisement; it’s the fragrance and aroma that your life exude. The reason that a person will stay with you is the benefit the he gains from your relationship. He discovers, upon close examination that you are genuinely found to be what you presented yourself to be. As you present yourself to him in the best possible light, you try to show him that you are a particular kind of individual; the closer he get, the sweeter his experience with you must become.

Sunday, 20 March 2016


The attribute of giving is fundamental to healthy relationships. The first thought that enters the mind of most individuals when faced with a new situation is “How is this going to affect me?” If they determine that they will be inconvenienced or required to do something unpleasant, they be refused to become involved.

When you enter into a dating relationship, position yourself as the giver in the relationship, not the receiver. Understand that the relationship is not a give and take arrangement. It is a give arrangement. One of the greatest types of individuals you can look for are those who live to give. You must strive to be on the giving end of all your relationships.

The essence of relationship is for mutual reliance and interdependence. By person’s choice, each party brings to the relationship all that he has, ready to contribute to the lopes, dreams and future of his partner. Whether it is material goods, favor, or wisdom is not the result of some sort of commune mentality.

The most important thing to remember is that no one does us anything. No matter how close and intimate the relationship. By keeping a consistently grateful posture, you give your partner the joy of initiating when and how he wants to bless you.
A dating relationship is not meant to be a partnership where each individual is usually set up with each partner contributing parts of what they have to make up the whole. A dating relationship, however is a 100/100 arrangement. Each party enters the arena ready to contribute 100% to the success of the relationship, eager to give 100% of their life to promote the other’s future and dreams. When both parties enter the relationship in this manner, everyone’s needs get met, and everyone’s future is bright.

Contribute, Don’t compete

In relationship, you must each bring to the relationship elements that the other needs. One contributes what the other lacks. Your strength covers the other’s weakness. This is why the principle of difference is so important which states: your value in a relationship is determined by your diversity. Ask yourself this question. What do I bring to the table that no one else brings?

I learned long ago to quit competing with my partner in relationship. I always take time to exactly watch those that I am in relationship with. I observe what their strong points are, and I stay away from this strength on areas where they are strong, they don’t need me. Instead, I fill in the cavities of this weakness, thus becoming what they need.

Your value in any relationship is the difference that you can bring, to cause success to come to your partner. I don’t need to become what other people need because I’m afraid of what may happen if I don’t. I am not passively allowing myself to be molded by another person. I become what is necessary, because I realize that doing so gives me a real person to be in that relationship. I’ve earned my position at any table, the moment that I become what someone needs me to become. I am the one they are looking for; because I have answers and solutions to their problems. You must understand that your values to others are in direct proportion to the problems you solve for them.

Many people become very frustrated in life because they don’t see a purpose in what they are doing. They feel valueless and unappreciated. Remember you will be needed in every relationship, when you are willing to lay down what you perceive to be your own identity, and you embrace the identity that is necessary. Become what another needs. Answer questions that no one can answer. Keep promises that others break. Be willing to go where no one else will go. Be willing to do what no one else will do and do it well.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016


The college seems to be the easiest and perfect place to start dating and fall in love. This is where you get to meet all kinds of single girls and single guys who are yet to get hook up. The biggest issue with dating has been to find a relationship where both parties are on the same page and both want the same thing. There are various ways to meet a partner to start dating in college

Through Social Media

This is an important aspect that cannot be overlooked if one has to find a dating partner in college. Start building and keeping a social life. This could be achieved by creating social media accounts like Facebooktwitter, LinkedIn, instagramforum posting, whatsapp and lot more. This is where you will get to meet and make more friends to share experiences about college life. You will also have the opportunity of sharing intimate feeling with the opposite sex through chat messages or video or audio calls and see each other as they are using this social media platform. The more friends you make, the more opportunity you’ll have to be introduced to singles and attractive women through other social media friends.

Birthday parties/College parties

College dating is often associated with quick hook ups at parties. This could be a birthday party, student party or any other college party. I met my first date at a friend’s birthday party, the party was witness by so many friends and the room was filled to brim by the college student and other guest. It was really time to drop some seriousness and have fun with friends that came around. So, I quickly walked up to this girl that caught my eyes so much, she was so pretty. We started a conversation that allowed us to get to know each other even more than how we knew ourselves as mere college colleagues. Then we started dating. We built a strong relationship that lasted even after college.

Join extracurricular classes (like golf or ballroom dance)

Make out time and join extracurricular activities while in college. This is where you will get to meet other team mates and make new friends. Group outing like this does not have the same kind of pressure as a one-on-one date. They can be a great step to start dating in college. If you are interested in a girl and want to make sure she become more than just a casual hook up, then feel free to invite the girl on an actual date.

Forum posting

You can attract the attention of the opposite sex by posting comments on forums regularly. Endeavor to post good comments that will attract attention of other user to read your post. You can also mention names while commenting, by you could start a conversation with the one you interested. College girls like joining forums and commenting in forums as well. If you find the one you are interested in, don’t hesitate to start a personal conversation with her.

Be free to use cute words while starting a conversation with your potential partner. Don’t be harsh, be more playful and friendly. Endeavor to keep things in low pressure as possible, this way you won’t feel all that pressure having to keep each other stimulated through conversation.  


Finding the right partner is often a difficult task especially if you’re ready to share your life with someone and want to build a lasting worthwhile relationship. Maybe your dating history consists of short abrupt relationship where you or your partner often gets bored or you don’t know yet how to make a relationship work. It is possible you’re not putting yourself in the best environment to meet the right dating partner. Whichever the case is, it is important that you believe that a healthy romantic relationship for you exist in the future. Below is an overview where you can find a long lasting dating partner for love.

HugRussianbeauty is where you meet thousands of ladies from ladies from Russian and Ukraine who are already signed up waiting for single men. Most western men dream to meet Russians and Ukraine girls. HugRussianbeauty will give you verify information about single women you will like to partner for marriage. You can chat with this hot beautiful girls from Ukraine and Russia online and send them audio and video messages, receive contact information, and send call to this beautiful girls. This dating site is a real way to meet future Russian wife. The nature of the people here is such that they cannot live alone. And they try to find their life partner. Click Here to Sign up

Guided by years of experience in dating, bridge of love helps people all over the world to search and find happiness wherever they are. If you are single and lonely, if your life seems meaningless, you really need someone who will always love you, back you up in hard times and share your joy. Before you start, joining Bridge-of-love is easy and free. You can create an account, fill out the basic information, and upload your picture. Your email must be real and verified in order for you to enjoy the convenience and efficiency of their services. Click here to join.

Elite singles offer a streamlined approach to internet dating to make searching process smoother. They help ensure match compatibility, suitable profile and gives you te best chance to meet someone like-minded and to find long-term love. Whether you’re looking for older dating, Christian dating, single parent dating, gay dating or anything in between, you can always find it HERE. JOIN NOW!!

Christian café founded in 1999 was created for friends who want to engage in casual dating or who are serious about meeting a marriage partner. Christian café creates a comfortable experience for all its members to share their stories in any area they like including work experience, gaming, church, etc. The site is user friendly, and you are free to communicate with fellow Christians and express who you are and what you are searching for. They accept Christians from all backgrounds and ages. After you have registered, a personalized profile is created which allows other Christians to view your profile. Also upload an image and give a physical description of you, location and personal details. Christian café is better equipped with features to match you with prospective mates. Clickhere to sign up to create your own profile.

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Sex messenger is a downloadable program that helps you find local singles in your area that are looking to hookup. It is very easy to use and can chat, create blog entries, exchange photos and connect with singles in your area. Seeing who is available in your area is very simple, and you will get notifications when new ones join sex messenger. Downloading the sex messenger app is totally free with lot of features and you can access additional option like member to member webcam chatting, unlimited text based message, and the ability to add favorites to your chat screen.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


Are you up to 18 years old and ready to date? Here is a review of five best dating field where you can sign up and begin to meet with singles from all over the world in different part of the country. Every single person that has signed up into these platforms is available and ready to hook up. So, feel free to sign up and upload picture where necessary to start meeting single ladies and single men. Married men or women who still want to satisfy their emotional desire can get signed up to any of these site and meet with any man or woman of their choice. Below is best five most popular dating site to get you hook up immediately.
If you really want to meet singles to hookup, then Hookup cloud is the site for you. They have more singles that are ready-mingle and these singles don’t want to waste any time when it comes to getting down to business. All you have to do is search for singles in your area and start sending message and start getting replies immediately.
Don’t waste time to see who is logged in and online and start chatting in the next second. How many times have you spent $100 at a bar then spent the whole night getting rejected or spent a whole night being led on by a girl who plays it hot only to leave at the end of the night. This will never happen in You can sign up to the site and get laid all in the same night.
Find bride is international online services that handle full dating process. Find-bride has thousands of Russian and Ukrainian brides who are beautiful, intelligent and sexy. They seek compatible partner for real long-term relationship and manage not just for convenience, but family oriented, kind sincere men for a mutual happiness. Everyone in find bride wants to love and be loved and they have joined the online dating service to find true love to get married. You are welcome to REGISTER and create your dating profile for free of charge.
Chnlove is one of the most popular international online dating platform where men from all over the world from different countries and women from china come together to meet and date. They provide it members with safe, easy to use, and language and cultural barrier free service to fulfill their needs. Other services offered in chnlove include live chat, love call, video show, admirer mail, gift and flowers, virtual gift and cupid date. You can sign up HERE to start meeting single to date.
International single girls are connected to many other website to allow you to meet and communicate with singles in any part of the world. They are already thousands of single girls available in this site waiting to receive single men searching for love. If you wish to join international single girls, you register and become a member of any other website connected with international single girls. Eligibility for registering on this site is that you must be eighteen years of age or older to register as a member.
Asiandate was founded in 1993 by a Russian-American couple. They believe that love knows no boundaries. Asiandate is designed to connect people from around the world and it remains at the forefront of its field, continually developing improved communication technologies that allow people to discover and enjoy the possibilities of an existing, globally interconnected future. The site has over 20million members, more than 80million visitors annually and 1.5million+ messages exchange daily. Sign up HERE to start meeting the newest singles available.