There is no
such thing as an accidental or neutral relationship, every person you are
connected to must have to influence you in some way or another, whether you
realize it or not. You are continually being seasoned and flavored by these
individuals that surround your life. Understanding this will cause two things
to happen: first you begin to seriously examine each relationship you get have
and secondly, you will become very selective in developing new ones.
I have
identified six attribute that must
be agreed upon by anyone intending to build a positive, progressive relationship
in dating.
Personal integrity: Before going into any relationship
with him or her, start by taking a closer look at the life of the person you
want to get involved with. Ask the family, and even look at their friends. Take
a look at their track record. Have they been faithful in the past or is
commitment not one of their strong points. These are some basic ways you can
identify good relationship. Not everyone that comes into your life should
automatically become your friend or a dating partner. There are individuals
that do not belong to your life. When choosing relationships, choose people who
are pursuing change, growth, and excellence. Stick to your principles. As you
walk according to your proven standard, you will attract those who do the same.
If you are to walk together with someone, then you both must be in agreement on
these foundational principles.
Define the purpose of the
relationship: Relationship must serve a greater purpose than simply the enjoyment of mutual
interests. When you get with those who are close and dearer to your life, the
primary purpose is not to relax and have fun, spend all the day in the club or
beer parlor. The sole purpose of any relationship is to add value and build a
life for one another.
Is He or She Honest: Always be cautious of someone who
wants from you what he himself is unwilling to give? If an individual wants you
to be truthful, but he/she continues to be dishonest, He wants you to love him but
all he gives you is indifference. You must refuse anyone into the intimacies of
your life, especially if he or she is unwilling to agree and comply with the
proven qualities of truth and integrity.
Is he or she a giver? One of the greatest types of
individual you can look out for are those who like to give. Givers are
contagious. There is a tendency that you will also become a giver and this will
help relationship to last long. You must strive to be on the giving end of your
relationship. However, you must strategically plant your seed by sowing your
life into good grounds- into the one who like yourself, have chosen the
lifestyle of giving. Givers cannot be friends with non-givers. It will be a lopsided
relationship that will not last. If you are a giver, you will not be happy
being in relationship with non-givers because giving isn’t just something you
do-it’s who you are.
Is He or She truthful? Truth is an integral aspect of every
beneficial relationship. You cannot help a person who ignores truth and is
continually controlled by his circumstances nor should you be in a relationship
with such a person. Truth must be the immovable bedrock of every relationship. I
practice this principle in my own relationship. I make sure there is an
agreement upon a standard of truth that exceeds our individual thought and
opinions. You certainly cannot afford to build an intimate relationship with a
type of individual that does not speak the truth.
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